Please enable JavaScript in your browser to complete this form.Discord Name and Hashtag *Please enter your Discord name and numbers/hashtag.Email *Please enter your email.Are you above the age of 13? *YesNoPlease select the correct answer.What staff position are you applying for? *DispatcherRecruiterAuthor - WriterDevelopment TeamMedia TeamModding TeamSupport TeamConvoy OrganizerModeratorPlease select the staff position you are applying for.What game(s) did you want to be a Convoy Organizer for? *ATSETS2ATS & ETS2Please select the correct games.Being a dispatcher requires you to be on alert for new dispatch requests, do you agree? *Please let us know how often you will be available to check and dispatch requests.If someone was swearing in the server, how would you handle this situation? *Please tell us how you would handle such a situation.Do you have previous experience in the field of Developing/Creating mods? *Please let us know if you have any previous experience with Modding, and if so, what experience?Do you have previous experience in the field of Developing/Coding? *Please let us know if you have any previous experience with Developing/Coding and if so, what experience?Do you have previous experience in the field of Graphic Design or Social Media? *Please let us know if you have any previous experience with Graphic Design or Social Media and if so, what experience?Do you have previous experience in the field of Writing articles or Literature? *Please let us know if you have any previous experience with writing articles or literature and if so, what experience?Do you have previous experience in the field of Technical Support or Troubleshooting? *Please let us know if you have any previous experience with Technical Support or Troubleshooting (game or pc related) and if so, what experience?Do you have previous experience in the field of Recruiting people for a team? *Please let us know if you have any previous experience with Recruiting people and if so, what experience?Why do you want to become part of the ITC Staff Team? *Please tell us a bit about what inspired you and why you want to join the team of amazing ITC Staff Members.How long have you been apart of the ITC? *If you don't remember when you joined, use the $whois command in the #bot-commands channel in discordHow often will you be active? *Please let us know how often you will be helping out at the ITC.Requirements You must be a member of the ITC for longer than 14 days. You must be completing frequent jobs in the company. You must have less than 8 infractions.Requirements Confirmation *YesNoPlease select the correct answer.Submit Application 3,049